Unopened and unused items may be returned for a full refund or exchanged within 14 days of being delivered*. Please note that shipping fees cannot be refunded and that customers are responsible for the return shipping costs. Returns after the 14 day window, returns will not be accepted. Please email us at admin@hivenotebook.com to get your return started. Be sure to include your order number and reason for returning
*The date the shipping company marks the package as delivered.
Exchanges are best done as a return and reorder. Please see the return policy for additional information. Also note that shipping fees cannot be refunded and that customers are responsible for the return shipping costs.
If your item arrives damaged or is in unusable condition, please contact us immediately at admin@hivenotebook.com. It is also recommend that you save packaging as well as document the damage to the packaging and goods.
Please promptly email us at admin@hivenotebook.com for any other issues related to shipping or your items. Please include your order number as well as a detailed description of the issue.